Top 6 moments only language hackers can enjoy

"When you are hacking a language , you are in fact hacking brains ,systems and cultures"  - I'm
Selam arkadaşlar , n'aber :D (Hi friends , what's up :D ) ,  I hope you are fine and you are enjoying this week learning new words online :D , I'm back again with a new post , where I want to share with you top 6 moments that only language hackers enjoy :D , moments that only people like you and I are enjoying them :D , so without making more suspense , let's start :D

When your friend asks you a question and you reply in another language : we all had that moment when someone asked us about something and we reply "quoi?" for example haha :D some of them may consider it as you are trying to show that you speak languages , but they forget that when we -language hackers- want to learn a language , we program our brains and subconscious to get used to it , which result sometimes to "drop" some words unintentionally :D

when you want to write a word in a language , and you realize that is a spelling of the same word in another language : i'm sure you experienced this , especially if you are learning romance languages , or if you know French and English , I guess you probably experienced to spell example as "exemple" or
"organization"  as "organisation" and so fact , i think this hack has more advantages than inconvenients , it's like a bridge to switch from a language to other one similar to the first one hhhhhhhh good hack ;)

-when you are shopping and you take a product , suddenly , you realize that you can understand all what is written in the cover in all languages :  If you speak more than 3 popular languages'll experience that moment when you take cookies packet and you find ingredients written in ENG,FR,SP,IT,AR and you say :  wow , İ can understand all languages in the packet....this is one of priceless feeling that only language hackers can enjoy :D

when you are asked to write how much languages you speak , but you find the case too short :  yes , some of you may find it irritating to find case for only 3 or 4 languages , especially if you are speaking more , but in the same time , this makes you feel proud because you are among few people who speak more than 4 languages , you feel special B-) ) there is nothing like feeling you own  the world , İ mean you can go everywhere and be understood by many people all over the world

When you are with your squad , and you speak another language to say something secretly to your friend :D , well , I can't say that i'm an exception of this rule , I used to do this with a close Turkish friend on Facebook , to exchange information about someone without making him feel that he's the subject of our conversations ...sometimes , I used to translate names to their equivalant in English or Spanish , and in other times ,we used to speak French or Romanian , this is such a priceless moment , especially if you are with someone that share with you same interests :D

Last but not least , is the moment when you fall in love with a language female hacker :D haha sounds funny , but really , in my humble opinion , this is the best couple in the world , imagine that baby that will grow in such multilingual environment , how smart he will be , speak fluently 5 to 7 languages , I don't think anyone can enjoy this wonderful moment , except of people pertaining to our kingdom :D  :D

Finally , I can say that moments change from one to other , but what makes us feel as one is that eternal love of learning new languages and discovedring new cultures :D if you think that I miss a moment , feel free to comment to let me know about it :D i'll be thankful ^_^

So friends , my post acheived the end , i'll end this post in hope to see you soon in the coming ones , until then , I suggest you to read this article published on Verbling blog about language learning , see you soon friends :D

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