6 Best Online Language Games to Learn with fun

Source : http://www.letsplaylanguages.co.uk

        Hi my friends , how are you :D I've been missing you all 😊 today I choose to talk about language games, yes, we gonna play :D but before talking about the topic, Ä° want to start first by a situation : are you feeling down and tired of learning , well , what if I tell you that you can revise your language lessons and learn, all that while enjoying your time, you can choose between talking with a chat bot in the language you are learning for practice or training your ear to distinguish between different languages, and the following is a list of languages games I collected from my daily browsing and that I like them

  • Www.languagesonline.org.uk: with a simple design that loads fast, this website has many interesting games to play, you start by choosing a topic, then a list of games appear on the top Jigsaw2. Pairs of words or guess the word fast with Speedword, you can also play quizlet game to refresh your vocabulary.

+: lot of games to play
- : flash-based design, not compatible with mobile browsers

  • Www.greatlanguagegame.com: as the name says, this is a great language game to train your brain to identify languages by listening, as you can see in the picture, I was not bad to identify languages :D also, the website is simple and loads fast, which is a good news for people who have slow Internet connection :D

  • Www.turtlediary.com: the famous hangman game,  in this website, you can choose from many topics, and guess the hidden word, but beware not to hang yourself, haha 😂😂 the website has paid features but you can always use their features for a week at no cost, so....why not to give it a try 😄😄.

+ great website for kids, the website has apps for educational games
-  most of the features are Paid

  • Www.eviebot.com: This is a female bot, created using Artificial Intelligence (AI) software, that learns from what users say, which make it able to talk about different topics, the bot also supports many languages, a good point for polyglots who want to practice many languages ;)

  • Mylène: do you feel bored?  why not to talk with Mylène, a  French (bot)girl that can talk with you anytime , anywhere, this bot is able to reply to simple sentences, useful for learners who just start to learn French ,  I made a copy of previous conversations to let you see how it works .it is worth saying that the beautiful Mylène has also an English speaking brother called Jhonny that you can talk to by clicking on the name in bold . (as I'm talking now about English bots, You can also try to use Leslie, in my opinion, it's better as it can correct sentences ) ;) .

  • Soydiego: "I'm Diego" is another chatbot for Spanish learners, this bot based in Buenos Aires can interact with your questions, and let you know if there is a mistake in your sentence, it's really a good start for beginners to chat with Diego :)

So, Guys, that's all for today, hope to see you soon in the coming posts :), until then, I suggest you to take a look at the links about the topic below, enjoy reading and have a nice day :D 

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