The Ultimate Guide to Learn Moroccan Arabic

Learn Moroccan Arabic Darija -Linguestan Language Hacker blog

Salam aalaykoum  سلام عليكم (literally "peace upon you") dear visitors and welcome to my new post :D as you are here , so I think you are interested in Arabic and local dialects , and in this blog , my mission is to help you as a native speaker to learn about my language and to have the best experience when you visit my country :) That's why I choose to talk about Darija...but wait , what is Darija ?

What is Darija ?

Darija is an Arabic word "دارجة" that means a familiar colloquial dialect , and by the time , it was used to describe the way people of Maghreb (which means the countries of North Africa ) are accustomed to talk , we have Moroccan , Algerian , Tunisian, and Libyan , we still able understand each other very well (There are some differences concerning words used to describe things , but we can get it easily :D it's like Latino Spanish and the Spanish of Spain :D ) But we will focus on Moroccan Arabic as it's the one I know and as it's my country :)


The History of Darija

To understand the Moroccan Darija , we need first to know the context of Maghreb and different civilisations that goes through this area , and because Maghreb countries are near to Europe , they were highly influenced with neighbours languages (that belong to Romance languages family : Portuguese,Spanish,French, and Italian) in addition of Turkish influence as Algeria,Tunisia, and Libya were parts of the Ottoman Empire , and the impact is still present in the words used in daily communication.

The Moroccan darija is divided also in many subdialects , for example , people in Rabat or Casablanca (West) don't speak the same way as people in Tangier (North) or Marrakech (South) , this can be explained by the distance between cities let the space open for tribes to create their regional dialects to communicate with each other


Moroccan Arabic Darija Comic

We can find for Example :
  • Northern dialects : spoken in cities in mediteranean sea (Tangier , Tetuan , Chefchaouen , and neighbouring cities) : Influenced by Spanish with some Riffean touch , given the geographical location of these cities in mountains .

  • The eastern dialects : Spoken in the east of Morocco , and influenced by the neighbouring Algerian dialect , which is in turn influenced by French and Amazigh languages.

  • The western dialect : this is the version known as the standard darija , that you can hear it in Casablanca , Rabat , and in the rest of cities in the country , they often mix Arabic with French , this is due to the history of this part of the country as it was occupied by France in the beginning of the 20th century

  • The middle dialect : spoken in Marrakech , Agadir and neighbouring cities , it's not different from the standard Arabic , but it's highly influenced by Amazigh accents , like the use of a soft "t" when talking and the use of some amazigh words .

  • The southern dialect : known for "Hassaniya" , spoken in the south of Morocco , in the area known as the "Spanish Sahara" from El Aaiùn to La Güera, and in my humble opinion , it's the only dialect that managed to keep the authenticity of Arabic language, and that still can be understood by anyone in other Arab countries , most of words in Hassaniya are originated from arabic , with a little of Spanish influence because of the history and also because it's near to Canary Islands . .

To learn more about Moroccan Arabic , I suggest to watch this video made by Paul from LangFocus youtube channel :

How to learn Moroccan Arabic Darija ?

After we know a little about the history of Moroccan Arabic and its types , now we need to know where we can learn this Arabic dialect , personally , I would recommand Immersion Learning approach , as there are not much books about Moroccan darija , but if you just want to learn the basics and given the actual context of coronavirus pandemic , there still some online sources you can count on , and the good thing is that courses are published by US cultural organizations :

  • Moroccan Arabic Textbook (2016 Release ) : this book is a good point to start , it was published by a Moroccan trainer who works teaching Moroccan Arabic to volunteers from the Peace Corps, which is a volunteer program run by US government that has missions in many countries .

  • Arabic-Moroccan Headstart2 : another course made by Defense Language Institute , which is one of US governmental institutions , that has a mission to offer foreign language courses as a part of Army training before sending troops for missions abroad the country.

Arabic-Moroccan Headstart2 course - Defense Language Institute
Arabic-Moroccan Headstart2

  • Moroccan Arabic For Foreigners | Complete Online Course* : you still have an option , if you can afford an online course made by a Moroccan professional teacher , who can help you to learn even fast , to ask him when you find something difficult , this will help to make your learning experience much better .
P.S (*) : I'm not affiliated to any of the given courses , the links to the websites are provided for informative purposes only 

So my friends , I hope that I manage to answer all your questions about Moroccan Arabic , it's your turn now to start your language learning adventure ,  I hope to see you soon in the next post , and welcome to Morocco :D see you soon :D

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