Top 7 podcasts and websites to help you boost your language

Hi friends :D , I'm happy to see you again in a new post in which I suggest to you 10 famous websites and webradios that can make a significant change and boost your level in the language, and that I visit them regularly to improve  my linguistic skills. ready ? ,so let's start :D

Kuntur Spanisch podcast : as its name says , this podcast is for Spanish learners in Germany , this podcast can be useful if you already know German , and you want to learn Spanish as a second language , you can listen to the podcast by clicking onthe name , or by going to

Ecoute Podcast : just like Kuntur podcast , this is another German speaking podcast , for French learners in Germany . with this podcast , you can learn vocabularies and know etimology of words, but also enjoy listening to funny talks in French :D

BBC : this is not just one channel , but BBC (stands for British Broadcasting Corporation) is a big media group that has many TV channels and Radio broadcasts suitable for all ages , and where people can learn in a very amazing way . if you are looking to learn and get informed in the same time , I think this is what you are looking for .

LingQ : language and nothing except of language :D , this is a website that offers courses for learners in many languages , in the time I wrote this post in drafts (1/1) , they had podcasts in Chinese , German , English , French , Italian , Japanese , Russian , Spanish , Swedish and Portuguese , in addition of some beta courses for Arabic , Hebrew , Romanian and Korean. In my humble opinion , I think it has all what you need to learn , written materials and courses are available on the website or from their app "LingQ" available on Play Store , all what it remains to do is to install the app and listen to podcasts :D

RadioLingua (Paid course (*) ) : as the website shows , this project is still in the beginning (beta) and support only 4 languages that are French , German , Spanish and Italian , however , there are also some courses that the website plan to launch soon . courses are usually in mp3 (sold in Itunes ) and PDF , which make them readable in all platforms , in tablets, laptop , or smartphones , whenever you go , you can carry courses with you and keep learning , amazing :D . Also , the website has a product for kids , so if you are looking for courses to help your children to pick up languages easily and boost their level , this course may be the best choice for them :)

FI3M (fluent in three months (*) ) : although I didn't try Premium courses ( as it's paid ) , but the blog is rich of interesting posts , but also so helpful for all levels , Indeed , Benny Lewis ( as known as The Irish Polyglot ) knows so well dificulties that many learners have and how to face them , in brief , he knows the bug and how fix it :D ( I start to speak like computer geeks again haha :D Special thanks to you Mr. Lewis for all knowledge you shared with me and other language hackers all over the world :)  Respect :D )

Language Surfer : recently added to my bookmarks , and maybe you should do the same :) in my opinion ,this blog has many valuable content that every language hacker should know about, In fact , I don't want to make a long paragraph to describe blogs , I'll just let you discover it by yourself, and sure you will not regret because it's simply an amazing language blog XD

Voilà :D by these words , I'll end this post in hope to see you again in the coming ones :) until then , you can enjoy reading articles on blogs I gave you in the post ,  Iyi günler ( have a nice day :D )

N.B : this is not an exhaustive list , new updates will appear here once checked , so you may consider to bookmark this page in order to visit it later :) thanks :)

(*) : the asterisk means a paid course , and as I don't have money to afford on these courses , so I based my review on the website's content and on my humble experience with language ressources :)

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