Best 5 Tips For Better Language Learning Experience

Hi Friends :D how are you :D and how it's going with your language learning adventure :D today I was chatting with a friend , talking about languages , when she said :
 "if you ask me , it's great to learn many's incredible that you can communicate with people all over the world..but unfortunately I am a very slow learner..although I keep improving my skills as good as possible "

This happens to almost all learners , including me :) , but let's think about it ,being a slow learner is not my fault , what matters is to keep going and never give up , because we are not all the same , every learner has a method to learn languages , and if you keep something in your mind , you'll acheive it , sooner or later :D , however , there are always some methods that can make your learning way easier, that's what we are going to discover together in this post :D

Learn the most used 100 words in the language : sometimes you find some words that repeat over and over and that people use a lot in their daily conversations , try to learn these words and make simple sentences..saying short and simple sentences is much better than saying long,grammatically incorrect sentences.

Put your vocabulary into practice : it's a law that anything is lost when it's not used , you learn dozens of words today and leave your language courses for a you think that you can list all vocabulary you learned before , talking about myself , I don't think so :) but if I learn these words and try to use them again and again in conversations with native speakers , by repetition , the vocabulary will stick in the mind , and by the time , you will find yourself accumulating large vocabulary and your sentences become more developed = mission accomplished â˜†*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ YES!!

Learn from Movies and Songs : ever asked yourself : why I am learning X language ? the answer of this question would be mostly to communicate with people , that means you should know how to communicate with them , you don't have to speak like Shakespeare to prove that you know English , keep it simple :D Movies and songs are the most important source for daily vocabulary , most of movies and songs are talking about something real , daily life , so they are a good place to start , they also help to know the correct pronounciation and spelling , because you are listening and reading in the same time . try to look for subtitled movies and translated songs , there are many websites that offer translation for songs, in my case , LyricsTranslate , MusicXmatch are from my favourite websites I visit to get translation for songs , you can find my translated Arabic songs here , give it a try :D

Your dictionary , Your friend : Nowadays , mobiles become more developed and sophisticated , downloading dictionary apps on your mobile will help so much to know the meaning of words and expressions , whether you are reading song lyrics , chatting with people online , you will always need to now the meaning of some words , in some specific contexts , keep your dictionary close to you , to be your companion , it's something you will never regret :D 

It's okay to make mistakes : it's not a shame to make mistakes or to say weird sentences, to err is human , sometimes , they will laugh at your weird sentences , but they will correct you and you will learn , any was the case , you are the winner :D make sentences in your mind , say incorrect sentences , make mistakes , let them see you in progress , never give up  b(~_^)d .

So friends , these were some tips for better language learning experience ,hope you enjoy it :D If you like this post , please give some minutes to share it with your friends and help them to develop their learning methods :) also don't forget to subscribe, to be the first one to read new posts , see you soon  (´∀`)b

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